Inflammation of the prostate is a fairly insidious disease that is fairly easy to contract.The treatment process lasts for many years and does not always lead to a complete cure. This disease is characterized by extremely unpleasant symptoms. The patient has difficulty urinating, his sex life is disrupted, and infertility occurs. For fast treatment of prostatitis at home, you will need a whole range of activities, including gymnastics, massage, and medication.
Symptoms of the disease

The determination of prostatitis is quite simple. It is characterized by the following signs:
- First of all, the urination process is disturbed. It becomes intermittent and incomplete. In the future, as the inflammatory process develops, a man begins to experience painful sensations when going to the toilet.
- Sexual life with prostatitis drastically deteriorates. During intercourse, rapid ejaculation occurs, and at night, long erections.
- Painful sensations are observed in the perineum. Very often, patients suffer from a burning sensation which does not appear only when urinating.
- The urine becomes brown or, on the contrary, remains transparent, but with some secretions.
The general condition of the patient also worsens noticeably. His working capacity decreases, there is increased fatigue and drowsiness.
Causes of occurrence
This disease is an inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate. It appears most often for several reasons:
- Irregular sexual activity, due to which the blood stagnates in the small pelvis.
- One of the main reasons is infection with fungal and venereal diseases.
- Hypothermia and a weakened immune system cause inflammation.
This process is not always accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature or pain. Very often the inflammation is asymptomatic and does not make itself felt for a few months.
- Hormonal disturbances also lead to this disease.
Those at risk are the elderly, as well as certain categories of people with the following disabilities:
- Constipated men.
- Alcohol and tobacco abusers. Vasoconstriction results in impaired blood circulation and the body poisoned by toxins is unable to fight inflammation.
- People with promiscuous sex lives and ascetics who prefer not to have sex are in the same situation. All extremes negatively affect the health of the genitourinary system.
- After surgery on the pelvic organs. The patient must be observed by the attending physician to avoid the appearance of prostatitis.
The disease can be detected with the help of blood, urine and prostate secretions. To be complete, an ultrasound must be performed.
Forms of the disease
There are atypical, congestive and infectious prostatitis. Each of them has its own cause, which is not typical of other species. For example, when atypical in patients, benign or malignant neoplasms form in the prostate, which do not make themselves felt for a long time.
Infectious prostatitis, as you can guess, occurs as a result of the penetration of fungi, bacteria or viruses.
The most common type of disease is congestive prostatitis, which occurs as a result of hypothermia or circulatory disturbances due to a sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption and smoking.
Medical treatment
Many patients do not know how to cure the prostate. In order to get rid of prostatitis, you should definitely take anti-inflammatory drugs and other pharmaceutical agents.
- Depending on the nature of the disease, the doctor prescribes antifungals, antivirals or drugs aimed at eliminating protozoan infections. Very often, patients take antibiotics along with drugs that restore the microflora of the stomach.
- Homemade prostate massage is a very effective remedy in the fight against the disease.
- In order for the process of urination to proceed painlessly and completely, there is such a drug as "furosemide". It is prescribed in cases of acute renal and hepatic failure to facilitate the work of the ureter.
- When treating this disease, you can not do without anti-inflammatory drugs. At high temperatures, take "paracetamol" or acetylsalicylic acid.
- Pain relievers with antispasmodic properties will help relieve pain. It is the first aid for prostatitis at home. The most popular drugs include: metamizole sodium, valerian vasodilator tablets.
To strengthen the immune system, you need to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and take multivitamin complexes. Food products cannot always provide a sick person with all the necessary substances.
Menu for prostatitis
Doctors generally recommend the following foods:
- Sea and river fish instead of meat. It is not only rich in protein, but also contains phosphorus. Additionally, fatty sea fish are a source of omega 3 and 6 polyunsaturated amino acids.
Red or black caviar has a similar composition.
- Vegetable oils should also be included in the daily diet. If it is not possible to eat at least one serving of fresh salad seasoned with vegetable oil every day, it can be taken separately, one tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach. The most beneficial for prostatitis are pumpkin seed oil and flaxseed oil. The flax product contains a large amount of omega 3 and 6 acids, as well as vitamins E and D. They rejuvenate the body, restore cellular respiration and heal the tissues of internal organs.
- Particular attention should be paid to products based on lactic acid. In addition to all the beneficial properties of kefir or yogurt, these drinks also contribute to the healing and restoration of the microflora of the stomach. It should be borne in mind that with any drug treatment, the beneficial flora perishes, which often leads to dysbiosis. The longer the treatment lasts, the more likely you are to develop chronic constipation or diarrhea. The patient's state of health worsens noticeably, weakness and apathy appear. Dysbiosis is characterized by dehydration and a gray complexion. By consuming yogurt, you can protect yourself from such a nuisance.
- Fresh and cooked vegetables with a huge amount of vitamin A are essential for men during the period of prostatitis treatment. Particular attention should be paid to carrots and pumpkins. The seeds can be eaten throughout the day, and it is advisable to take the juice of this vegetable every morning on an empty stomach. For better assimilation of vitamins, add a few drops of vegetable oil to the juice.
- It is recommended to include in the menu products with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Berries such as raspberries, currants and blueberries contain acetylsalicylic acid. Horseradish, garlic, and onions slow down inflammation and promote healing. Knowing how to treat prostatitis on your own, with the help of diet, you can significantly speed up the healing process.
During the treatment period, you should drink as much fluid as possible. It is recommended to take herbal teas and a decoction of rosehips. They have diuretic properties and improve blood microcirculation in the small pelvis.
Folk remedies
Sometimes patients wonder how to get rid of prostatitis at home. If the disease is not infectious and is more associated with stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, you can use folk medicine. Many of them have proven their worth with patients and received many positive reviews. Methods of treatment include: self-prepared suppositories, decoctions of medicinal herbs and all kinds of homemade ointments.
Broths are consumed in a maximum of 10 days, after which they take a break and resume treatment. Drink about three cups of the medicine per day. Candles are inserted once or twice a day for a week. Before putting on suppositories, you need to empty the stomach, wash the anus and lie on your stomach. After the candle is inserted, the patient should lie down for at least half an hour to completely dissolve the agent in the rectum.
And also with this disease, all kinds of tinctures have been shown to be excellent, helping both to cure the prostate and prevent disease.
Collection of medicinal herbs
As a rule, the following plants are used for prostatitis: plantain, St. John's wort, wheatgrass, celandine, burdock root and oak bark.The herbs are brewed like regular tea. It can be used in mouthfuls with honey or dried fruits. The roots and bark should be simmered for half an hour. They have a more concentrated composition and are used in dosage amounts of 3-4 tablespoons per day. It is a fairly effective home remedy for prostatitis. Many patients prefer to use a thermos to prepare herbal tea. This cooking method has several advantages:
- It allows you to extract the maximum amount of nutrients from raw materials.
- You can take it with you to work and drink it throughout the day.
- Thanks to the thermos, you don't have to waste time brewing the next batch of tea every time.
For a half-liter thermos it is enough to take five tablespoons of mixed raw materials. Many herbs have high biological activity and it is strongly advised not to mix them with alcohol or drugs. When taking pills and tea, a time interval should be observed between them, which is about an hour.
Wax and propolis candles
Suppositories can be made from wax or propolis. You will need a mold to make the candles and a container to heat the components. A small amount of beeswax is melted in a container, aloe juice, lanolin, essential oil of geranium and petroleum jelly are added. The molten mixture is poured into a mold. Suppositories are used as regular suppositories.
Aloe and sea buckthorn oil compress
A swab is prepared from a bandage. It should not be too wide or too narrow. Several long threads are necessarily tied at the end of the product. The tampon itself is also wrapped in thread.It is moistened in aloe juice mixed with sea buckthorn oil. An alternative treatment for prostatitis at home is hard to imagine without this product. Then the tampon is inserted into the anus and held for two hours. The product is removed using threads that remain suspended from the anus. The procedure is repeated twice a day.
Horseradish and ginger tinctures
Both plants have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to alcohol, their effect is significantly improved. How to cure prostatitis at home with tinctures? They are simply prepared. Horseradish is twisted in a meat grinder and poured with vodka. The root crops / alcohol ratio should be 1: 5. That is, half a glass of grated horseradish is needed for a half-liter bottle of vodka. Already after 6 hours the product can be consumed in the amount of 20 grams before meals. The tincture dilates blood vessels, kills germs and viruses. Ginger has a similar effect.
Onions in red wine
This ancient remedy has been used very often to treat prostatitis quickly at home. Onions are cut into slices and poured with red wine. The wine / onion ratio should be 5: 1. The remedy is taken twice a day at the rate of 30 grams. It contains all the necessary nutrients that work directly on the diseased organ and allow you to cure prostatitis as quickly as possible.
Pumpkin seeds
This is a fairly effective and popular treatment for prostatitis. Sunflower seeds are consumed according to the following system. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat 10 pieces, at noon 5 and before bedtime another 10 pieces. This is repeated for 6 days. From next week the number of seeds increases by 5 pieces. That is, 15 is used in the morning, 10 at lunch and again 15. The treatment lasts 10 days, after which they switch to the previous scheme.
For those who do not know how to cure prostatitis at home, you can prepare a medicinal composition with honey and nuts. Nuts with seeds are crushed and natural liquid honey is added. The tool is taken daily, without missing a single day.
Healing baths
For their preparation, medicinal herbs such as chamomile, nettle, celandine and St. John's wort are used. Especially proven treatment of prostatitis with celandine at home. It has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes blood circulation, and is excellent for pain relief. First, a strong broth is prepared, then added to a previously prepared bath with warm water.
The container should be small and practical. As a rule, they stay there no more than 10 minutes, because the liquid cools down quite quickly. A procedure is performed daily and the treatment usually lasts 10 to 12 days.
Irish moss
This herb is rich in iodine and is extremely useful for treating prostatitis quickly at home. A medicinal decoction is prepared from it and is also used for a sitz bath.The enemas resulting from the infusion of this plant have been proven. The composition should be warm, but not hot. Before doing an enema, they empty the intestines and wash the anus. Some patients inject a small part of the decoction into the urethra. To do this, the tip is pressed against the urethra and the enema is strongly pressed.
Oak bark infusion
This excellent remedy is prepared as follows. Crushed oak bark is poured with alcohol and infused for a week. The composition is sometimes withdrawn and shaken. When the product acquires a rich yellow-red tint, it will be considered ready for use. It is taken in small amounts no more than three times a day. During treatment, you should not eat fried and fatty foods, as well as alcoholic drinks. Foods should be as fortified as possible and consist of vegetable protein, fresh green vegetables, fermented dairy products, eggs and fish.
Physical exercises
Using special gymnastics for the treatment of prostatitis at home, it is possible to avoid stagnation of blood in the small pelvis. It is advisable to do this at the same time as the perineum massage. The exercises are quite simple. They can be done throughout the day, regardless of the location.
- The muscles of the anus are squeezed several times a day. It is recommended to do up to 20 approaches per day.
- During urination, the flow is delayed, counted for 5 seconds and then restarted. Thus, the blood speeds up and the blood circulation process improves.
- Between the knees, squeeze the ball with all your might, count to 10 and loosen it. The exercise can be done both sitting down and lying on your back.
- While standing, the knees are raised alternately and held for 10 seconds. There should be several approaches.
- Bending the body slightly forward, they first take one leg back, and after a while the other.
- It is extremely useful for men to make a "birch" during the processing period. From a lying position, slowly lift your legs and gently straighten your back.
You can also squat and run. It is quite easy to do a prostate massage yourself. To do this, they squat down and massage the gland with the index finger in a condom. It is very easy to find because it feels like a nut to the touch. To maximize the benefits of the massage, the finger is immersed in the medicine. It could be just sea buckthorn or pumpkin oil.
Warming ointment
This method also worked well. Thanks to the warming composition of the compress, blood circulation occurs, metabolic processes are improved, pain disappears, and recovery is noticeably accelerated. It is often used to treat prostatitis at home. An integrated approach can be removed without surgery. The ointment is applied to the tissue and applied to the perineum. After that, the skin can not be wiped off with water, but left as it is. The ingredients for preparing the composition are: lanolin, wax, camphor oil, onion juice and essential oil of fir. All components are heated in a container until completely dissolved. If a lot of ointment has been prepared, it should be stored in the refrigerator. At room temperature, this product cannot be stored for more than three days.
In addition to the homemade ointment, you can also buy pharmaceutical preparations. For example, an ointment, which contains birch tar and xeroform, has proven effective. And also use bee venom cream and other bee products. They will help treat prostatitis at home quickly.
Disease prevention
In order to protect yourself from the appearance of prostatitis, you need to take into account certain rules:

- Eat as little fatty foods as possible. In the daily diet, fried foods should not exceed 10%.
- A man who rarely has sex is at risk for many unpleasant diseases associated with the genitourinary system. The fact is that carcinogens also accumulate in these organs, and the only way to get rid of them is with active sex life.
- You need to protect yourself and avoid casual relationships. According to statistics, men who have had sexually transmitted diseases are twice as likely to be diagnosed with prostate adenoma.
- Smokers and alcohol drinkers are also at risk and often suffer from prostatitis.
- Unfortunately, there is a category of people who have a hereditary predisposition to diseases of the prostate. And scientists also noticed a curious feature: most often men with a large bone suffer from prostatitis.
However, subject to all of the above rules, the risk of developing prostatitis becomes minimal. There are many ways to treat prostatitis at home. It is important to remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure.