Over the years, the health of a man's reproductive system can collapse.
Such changes are quite natural, since nature does not allow the smooth work of the genitourinary system of a representative of the stronger sex throughout life.
One of the most common pathologies that affect the organs of the male reproductive system is prostatitis. About drugs that will help fight this disease, read below.
The best cure for prostatitis in men according to experts
In the modern pharmaceutical field there are a large number of drugs, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the disease. But they all apply in different situations.
Some drugs are recommended to be used exclusively for prophylaxis or during the chronic course of the disease, others - with an exacerbation of prostatitis. In order not to undergo unsuccessful treatment, drugs should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

Drugs for the acute form of the disease:
- Inexpensive drug containing antibodies to the prostate-specific antigen, used in acute and chronic forms of prostatitis. Despite the affordable price, the effectiveness of the drug is not worse than its expensive counterparts. It is produced in the form of tablets for resorption, the use of which eliminates swelling of the tissues. The drug is taken for 4 months, 2 tablets twice a day;
- Selective alpha-adrenergic receptor blocker. A clearly visible therapeutic effect after taking the pills occurs within 4 hours. The drug relaxes the smooth muscles of the bladder neck and prostate, leading to weakening or complete disappearance of the discomfort. Due to the rapid and effective effect, the drug is prescribed mainly during the period of exacerbation;
- During an exacerbation of prostatitis, a man may experience acute urinary retention. To eliminate the development of such a process, this tool is used, which is a urodynamic corrector. After taking the tablets, the smooth muscles of the prostate and bladder neck relax, causing the spasm to go away. As a result, the pressure inside the urethra decreases and the urine flow becomes smooth.
It is also allowed to use other antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents, allowing you to achieve a good restorative effect.

Preparations for the chronic form of the disease:
- Suppositories and tablets, the main ingredient of which is extract from the prostate of young bulls. The use of the drug allows you to reduce puffiness, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and improve the trophism of the organ. Regular use of the drug in the form of suppositories or tablets allows you to remove stagnant secretion and prevent it from thickening. The drug is used in acute and chronic forms of the disease;
- Creeping palm fruit extract preparation. Refers to the number of affordable remedies for prostatitis. It gives a good effect if a man has a chronic form of the disease, as well as in cases where there is a predisposition to the development of the disease, and prophylaxis is required.
In order for the selected drug to produce a good effect, only the attending physician should make an appointment.
Evaluation of the most effective remedies for prostatitis according to the opinions of men
A large number of men over 45 struggle with prostatitis on a daily basis.
As the comments on the forums and the results of various polls on the network show, representatives of the stronger sex most often choose the following drugs:
- the protector of the prostate, comprising a complex of peptides useful for the organ;
- a preparation that contains crawling palm fruit extract, which liquefies the secretion and normalizes its flow;
- suppositories and tablets based on extract from the prostate of young bulls, which increases the elasticity of the vessels of the organ and reduces edema;
- a drug containing peptides isolated from the prostate of young bulls, which contribute to the normalization of the functioning of the prostate;
- a medicine, pumpkin seed globulin, in which it slows the growth of the prostate and improves the functioning of the bladder;
- a complex of plant extracts that improve the tone of the muscles of the bladder.
Even though the drug is among the drugs approved by most patients, it is not worth self-medicating. In any case, the drug should be prescribed by the attending physician.
The best recipes of traditional medicine to combat inflammation of the prostate gland at home
Folk remedies, provided they are used correctly, cannot have a less powerful therapeutic effect than pharmaceutical remedies.
We list the most popular recipe options below:

- Kalanchoe juice. . . It is the easiest, cheapest and most effective recipe that any man can use. The juice of a large leaf of the plant is squeezed into a glass of warm water and the solution is drunk. The tool strengthens the immune system and helps eliminate inflammation;
- bearberry tincture. . . The flowers, stems and leaves of the plant are harvested and dried. 50 g of dry ingredients are poured with 1 glass of vodka and left in a dark place for 15 days. 1 tbsp. L. funds are dissolved in a glass of warm water and taken several times a day before meals;
- cranberry broth. . . The berry contains substances that can have a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare the broth, the berries and leaves of the plant are crushed and mixed. After - take 6 tablespoons of raw materials, pour them with 4 glasses of water and boil on low heat for 20 minutes. Take the medicine three times a day before meals.
There are also other "grandmother" recipes on the Internet that are in great demand among the stronger sex.
Before using this or that folk remedy, be sure to consult your doctor.
How to treat prostate adenoma?
The treatment of prostate adenoma is complex. To achieve the desired result, the doctor usually prescribes a number of drugs with a different spectrum of effects.
This includes antibacterial, hormonal, and herbal remedies, alpha blockers, and 5-alpha reductase inhibitors.
Erectile dysfunction drugs: which pills to take?
Impotence does not come by itself. Usually, it is the consequence of a pathological factor.Therefore, to eliminate the problem completely, you will have to eliminate the root cause.
Drugs that help restore male strength include PDE-5 inhibitors and dietary supplements for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The use of drugs intended to eliminate erectile dysfunction should be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician.
List of good preventive measures

The best prevention of impotence is to give up bad habits, maintain a balanced diet, physical activity (in moderation) and a regular sex life.
With age, the methods listed may become insufficient for maintaining men's health.
In this case, the use of drugs for prophylactic purposes may be necessary.
Even if you are taking prophylactic medications, be sure to see a specialist. By using the drug without a doctor's recommendation, you can further harm your health.
Drug prices for men
Often, doctors prescribe expensive drugs from foreign manufacturers. If you can't afford it, don't despair.
In pharmacies you can find domestic counterparts, the cost of which is several times the cost of imported drugs.
The difference between the offers can be significant.
You can learn more about the most effective remedies for prostatitis with your doctor. A specialist will help you choose the option that is right for your situation, both in terms of cost and indications.